172 Viewed  |    Dated 09 / 07 / 2019

Dr. Al-Hemyem meets with Iraqi Defense minister

Sheikh Abdul Latif al-Hemyem, met Iraqi minister of Defense, Mr. Najah Al-Shammari, Dr. Al-Hemyem congratulating His Excellency on the occasion of his new position, and during the meeting they  discussed developments in the country at the political,

cultural and societal levels, and the challenges Facing the country, Dr. Al-Hemyem gave a detailed explanation of the work done by the Sunni endowment office, to establish the principle of moderation and moderation, to spread the culture of tolerance, and to fight extremist ideology by launching the largest campaign against extremism and terrorism and over the past years, where it has achieved great success Through  breaking down the mental map of terrorism, as well as relief programmes for displaced persons, and community reconciliation campaigns between clans  .

For his part, Mr. Najah Al-Shammari praised the great tasks  of  Waqf to remove many of the sensitivities and sectarian prejudices that lead to division and tension, praising the role of Dr. Al-Hemyem in achieving community reconciliation among the Iraqi clans.

His Excellency the Minister of Defense praised the valuable intellectual directives of Dr. Al-Hemyeim, which contributed to spreading the values of tolerance and harmony among the components of the Iraqi people, noting the need to cooperate to work for Iraq in the next phase, which requires the collaboration the efforts of all the faithful of this dear country.
